An API is a way of getting specific information from other applications or websites, which you can use for a variety of different needs. It is similar to a set of tools used for building a software application. The better the tools, the easier it is to make a good product. In the case of an API, the better the API, the easier it is to develop a program.
APIs are programming tools that allow one to extract information and data from another are application or data analytics. Through the use of several rules or commands that the creator of the API has put in place, the API calls upon another’s application and bring you information that you can use in your own product.
An API is a set of building blocks that programmers can use to develop computer programs. As far as social media is concerned, all the major social networks have their own APIs that let programmers create their own software that works with the networks. Third party social media tools such as Falcon rely on social media APIs to integrate with platforms like Facebook.