Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
Search for the keyword that you’ve been meaning to look up, and voilà!
Or perhaps you’re new to digital and looking for a quick overview to get you up to speed?
We’ve got you!

Click on any letter to see all the words that start with this letter

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Most searchable categories
🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing


A design tool that shows a visual starting point of the key information that goes on each page of a website.
it is a cursory layout drawing of a webpage that acts as the first step in the design process.
Used as a basic mockup during the website design process to indicate layout and design without content.

Wireframes usually contain elements such as the header, footer, navigation, content areas, placeholder images, as well as the labeling of titles and links.

💡Marketing 101

Word-of-Mouth, in the context of empowered marketer, refers to the relaying of information from person-to-person. WOM marketing is an important part of an efficient Inbound Marketing strategy. Word-of-Mouth marketing costs almost nothing, it is hard to control. The best way to facilitate WOM is to create a positive image for your brand through community interactions and the regular production of content. If your company is positively interacting with other companies, then people will password on of your company, creating buzz around your brand.

💡Marketing 101
🌍What is
🎯Digital Marketing

A Workflow is a series of events that your company controls to help your lead through the nurturing process (See Lead Nurturing Emails). In Inbound Marketing, determining a workflow is important for lead retention. A workflow is a series of events that need to be completed in order for some event to happen. In this context, it is producing content for your leads, and guiding them along the way until they are ready to become customers.

🌍What is

What You See Is What You Get, pronounced “wizzy-wig”, this is a type of CMS content editor where the user can see the styles live as they would appear on the published website.


A measure of the trustworthiness of a website based on certain metrics. These metrics include domain age, backlinks, spam score, IP address domain ownership and more. A higher authority score indicates that the content on the website is likely to be reliable and trustworthy.


An XML Sitemap is a special document created by a webmaster or a piece of software that provides a map of all the pages on a website to make it easier for a search engine to index that website.
XML Sitemap is a list of all the important pages of your website. The XML sitemap itself is a file of code that should be updated whenever you add a page to your website. a document in XML format categorizes all relevant pages, posts, files, etc.
The XML sitemap also affects SEO value as the XML sitemap is what most search engines use to look at a page, determine its value, and then travel to another page within the site.
This document is not intended for human use, though it can be viewed by humans. Instead, an XML sitemap is designed to help search engine crawler bots easily find all of the pages for a given website – very similar to a roadmap or atlas that one would use when driving a car long distances.

💸Performance Marketing

Yahoo and Bing ads are both run through the Bing Ads platform. These search engines share advertising networks.

🎯Digital Marketing

A social review platform and search engine that allows users to leave reviews for businesses. Yelp also offers an advertising program which gives advertisers the ability show their marketing assets to qualified Yelp users based on keyword searches.

🌍What is
💡Marketing 101

An acronym used in SEO to describe topics that could have an impact on a person’s future health, finances, safety, or happiness. YMYL stands for “Your Money or Your Life”. These topics include news and current events, government, finance, e-commerce/shopping, and others. The acronym comes from Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines.


A highly valuable SEO plugin for WordPress websites that helps website owners to optimize their sites for search engines.

💸Performance Marketing

YouTube offers advertising in 6 different formats. Display ads, overlay ads, skippable video, non-skippable video ads, bumper ads, and sponsored cards. These ads can all be created and run through the Google Adwords platform.


YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) Pages are webpages that have an influence on the financial, health and safety decisions of a person. Examples include medical advice pages, online banking pages, and investment advice pages. As these topics can have serious implications on someone’s wellbeing, YMYL Pages must adhere to strict standards set by search engines such as Google or Bing to ensure accuracy and trustworthiness.
Examples include pages about the news on international events, investing, taxes, banking, purchasing items online, medical issues, drugs. hospitals, nationality race status and fitness nutrition.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We remember incomplete tasks more than completed ones.

💡Marketing 101
🎯Digital Marketing

The moment at which a buyer decides he or she is going to make a purchase and researches that purchase.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We prefer to reduce small risks to zero, even if we can reduce more risk overall with another option.