Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
Search for the keyword that you’ve been meaning to look up, and voilà!
Or perhaps you’re new to digital and looking for a quick overview to get you up to speed?
We’ve got you!

Click on any letter to see all the words that start with this letter

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Most searchable categories
🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

🎯Digital Marketing

When a marketer tracks
Social listening is how social media managers and marketer track what people are saying about their brand on social media. And analyze conversations around key topics, terms, brands and more, often with a specialized software tool.

Social listening software gathers mentions, comments, hashtags, and relevant posts from across social media to provide insights on what users are talking about and how. Brands often use these insights to tap into key trends and see what people are saying about them and their competitors.

🌍What is

A term in Google Analytics that helps webmasters classify where traffic is coming from (ie. the “source” of the web traffic).
In Google Analytics, the Source is the origin of the user prior to visiting a website for any type of traffic, whether it is organic, paid, social, referral, or direct.
Source can be a search engine (for example, Google) or a domain (
Examples include “google”, a visit originating from the search engine, “”, a visit originating from a certain web page, or “direct” a user typing in the URL of the visited website directly into the browser.


A computer automated program that browses the internet and collects information about websites. sometimes also referred to as a “crawler” or a “bot”. A spam spider visits websites for nefarious reasons, often showing in Google Analytics as junk traffic. However, Google uses a bot to crawl websites so that they can be ranked and added to Google search

👽 Cognitive Biases

We overestimate how much people are paying attention to our behavior and appearance.

🌍What is

A Protocol required to establish a secure HTTPS connection and enable encrypted, authenticated communications across the Internet. HTTPS is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) plus SSL.

🌍What is

A small data files are added to web servers that allow a website to use the HTTPS protocol to enable encrypted connections between a web server and a browser to ensure site security.
SSL certificates digitally connect a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. Originally, these were used to secure logins, data transfers and credit card transactions, but have recently become the go-to system for websites, especially after the Google Chrome update that displays a warning message to users, if the certificate is not present.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We tend to prefer things to stay the same; changes from the baseline are considered to be a loss.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We adopt generalized beliefs that members of a group will have certain characteristics, despite not having information about the individual.

🌍What is

Additional code written in a specific way added to a webpage , most commonly as HTML or Javascript
that allows search engines to understand the content more clearly. This code describes to search engines entities and their relationships to each other.
It is used to display information in search results in a particular way with the goal of enhancing the search engine user’s experience.


Structured data is a way of organizing and presenting information in a way that makes it easily understandable by machines such as search engines.
It involves using a specific format to provide information about a particular entity or object, such as a person, product, event, or organization.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing
🌍What is

these are Google Ads ad extensions you can add to your paid search advertisements that highlight specific aspects of your products and services.
These ad extensions provide context on the nature and variety of your products and services before visitors click through to your site. Each snippet contains a header and list of features you would like to highlight.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We, especially children, sometimes mistake ideas suggested by a questioner for memories.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We invest more in things that have cost us something rather than altering our investments, even if we face negative outcomes.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We tend to focus on those things that survived a process and overlook ones that failed.


Short-tail keywords, also known as head keywords, are brief and general keyword phrases that typically consist of one or two words. They are popular search terms that are broad in nature and tend to generate a high volume of search traffic.

💡Marketing 101
🌍What is
🎯Digital Marketing

TTL advertising involves an integrated approach where both Above The Line and BelowThe Line strategies are combined

👽 Cognitive Biases

Our perceptions of time shift depending on trauma, drug use, and physical exertion.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We believe that others are more affected by mass media consumption than we ourselves are.


An HTML element that is used to describe the specific topic of a web page. Title tags are displayed in the tabbed top bar of a web browser.
and as the clickable title in search engines, the title tag describes the specific topic of a web page.
In SEO, it is best practice to have descriptive title tags featuring your main keywords, rather than something basic like “home”.

💡Marketing 101

is the total market for your product. This is everyone in the world who could buy your product, regardless of the competition in the market.

🌍What is

A script, or a piece of code that monitors how a user is interacting with a website. often placed in the header, footer, or thank you page of a website that passes information along to software tools for data gathering purposes. Tools like Google Analytics, and Google Ads, Google Adwords utilize tracking codes so that they can track information about users who view a site , to be used by businesses for marketing purposes and other business purposes.

🌍What is
💸Performance Marketing

Tracking templates are used for setting up tracking , When your ad is clicked, your tracking template combines with your final URL to create your landing page URL.
Tracking templates allows you to pass additional details through to your landing page. Parameters used in Tracking Templates can be used for reporting or customizing the user experience on your website

🌍What is

Traffic is the number of users or visitors who visit a given website or page. In a social media context, increasing traffic is a common marketing objective for SMMs who want to drive their audience to a blog, landing page, or other URL outside of the social network.

🎯Digital Marketing

A social media platform where users interact, or “tweet” by posting a message or replying to a message in 280 characters or less. Each keystroke on a keyboard is considered a character. Twitter is used to share information and links, and utilizes hashtags to categorize information. Tweets are typically public and can be seen by anyone.
You can follow other users and see what they are tweeting about and you can use hashtags (See Hashtags) to see what people are saying about any given topic. When tweeting, make sure you have the appropriate hashtags to make sure your company gets mentioned in the relevant conversations! The more you tweet, the bigger your following, and the more people that will retweet your tweets!
If you are followed by another user, that user will see your tweets in their feed. Similarly, you will see the tweets of anyone you follow in your feed.

🌍What is
💡Marketing 101

A phrase used to describe how a visitor interacts with a website.
The User Experience is the overall ease of interaction that a customer has had with a company. This includes the discovery of the brand, customer service, awareness, interactions with social media, use, etc. To make sure that customers are returning to your company again and again, you need to make sure that your company’s UX is as intuitive as possible. If a business is hard to get in contact with, no one is going to want to interact with that business. Make your business easy to contact and amicable in all interactions!