Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
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🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

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🌍What is
💡Marketing 101

A phrase used to describe how a visitor interacts with a website.
The User Experience is the overall ease of interaction that a customer has had with a company. This includes the discovery of the brand, customer service, awareness, interactions with social media, use, etc. To make sure that customers are returning to your company again and again, you need to make sure that your company’s UX is as intuitive as possible. If a business is hard to get in contact with, no one is going to want to interact with that business. Make your business easy to contact and amicable in all interactions!

🌍What is
💡Marketing 101

The User Interface describes the interface that the user interacts with when using an application, visiting your website, etc. The User interface includes your toolbar, buttons, windows, and anything (visual and audio elements) on the webpage that the user can interact with. The key to a website that will retain visitors has a clean, easy-to-use UI. Make all of your links easy to get to, and make sure that nothing on your interface is hard to look at. The more intuitive your interface is the less likely you are to have visitors leave after seeing a single page.
The User Interface is the conduit on a display that allows a human to interact with a computer more easily. Good UI should be fluid and easy for most people to understand.

🎯Digital Marketing
🌍What is

Urchin Tracking Module UTM parameters are simply tags that you add to a URL. When someone clicks on a URL with UTM parameters, those tags are sent back to your Google Analytics (or other tracking software to track the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns across traffic sources and publishing media. The most common parameters are medium, source, campaign, term, content. However, parameters are versatile and can be customized according to what you want to track.

The biggest disadvantage of UTM parameters is the sensitivity towards an ununified system of definition (aka marketers using their own terms, lower- and upper-case letters, special symbols etc.) that might cause data fragmentation.

The UTM code itself has two components:
UTM Parameter: that starts with utm. There are 5 separate parameters you can track: utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_content, utm_term

Tracking variable: a unique variable to identify the dimension being tracked (such as the name of the traffic source). This variable is preceded by the "=" sign. You can have only numbers, letters, hyphens, '+' sign and periods in the variable.

You can use Google URL Builder tool ( to create your own parameters when you want to publish any link, and they will automatically appear on your Google Analytics

💭Behavioral Economics

The Ultimatum Game is an experimental game in game theory where two players interact and have to decide how to divide a sum of money. One player, called the "proposer," is given a sum of money and must propose a way to divide it between themselves and the other player, called the "responder." The responder can either accept or reject the proposal.
If the responder accepts the proposal, the money is divided according to the proposal. However, if the responder rejects the proposal, neither player receives any money. The game is interesting because it is often assumed that people are rational and self-interested, so the responder should accept any offer greater than zero. However, in practice, responders often reject proposals that they perceive as unfair. This behavior has been observed across many different cultures and contexts, and it has been argued that it reflects a concern for fairness or reciprocity in human decision-making.


A metric used to measure the quality and trustworthiness of a URL. It is based on numerous factors, such as domain authority, backlinks, external equity links, social media and content signals. A higher UR score indicates that the website is more likely to be reliable and trustworthy. Developed by Ahrefs


An unlinked mention is a reference or mention of a brand, product, or individual on another website or social media platform that does not include a hyperlink to the mentioned entity's website or online presence. For example, a blogger may mention a product in their blog post without including a link to the product's website.

While unlinked mentions can still be beneficial for brand awareness and reputation, they do not provide the same SEO value as linked mentions or backlinks.

💸Performance Marketing
💡Marketing 101

Universal App Campaigns (UAC) are an automated ad type in Google Ads that help advertisers generate more app installs and/or drive in-app conversions.


Unique Visitor stands for a visitor that returns to your website repeatedly in a set period. Contrary to Page View, UV is tied to one visitor, so even if they visit a website ten times (which results in ten page views), the UV still counts as one.

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🌍What is

stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is the address of a web page. The URL refers to what specific web page a web browser is viewing.
URL is something you will almost never need to know, is an address of a webpage. URL’s are taken into account when determining the SEO value of a page, so make sure that your URLs contain the pertinent keywords so that your SEO value goes up! URLs are generally in the form of