Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
Search for the keyword that you’ve been meaning to look up, and voilà!
Or perhaps you’re new to digital and looking for a quick overview to get you up to speed?
We’ve got you!

Click on any letter to see all the words that start with this letter

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Most searchable categories
🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

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👽 Cognitive Biases

having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.
You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack.

✉️ Email Marketing

An email that is rejected by an email server for a temporary reason. An email may soft bounce if a mailbox is full, the recipient email server is down or offline, or the email message is too large.


The string of words users enter into a search engine to receive a result. Search queries are the raw text that people type into the search engine. When you look at search queries that lead to your website, you can determine which keywords to include for search engine optimization (SEO)

🚀 Startup

way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.

SaaS Startup is a company that provides software as a service, typically through a subscription model. SaaS startups are typically focused on delivering a specific software solution to a target market, and they often use a freemium business model to attract and retain customers.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

Google Ads uses a second-price auction, also known as a Vickrey auction, for its online advertising platform. In this model, businesses bid on keywords and the highest bid wins the auction but pay the price of the second-highest bid plus a small incremental amount. As an example, if the highest bid is $3 and the second highest bid is $2.5, the highest bidder will pay $2.5 + $0.1 = $2.6

🌍What is

A website markup language created in cooperation by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Yandex to help search engines better understand specific parts of a website.
It is a code that is added to the HTML of a website to give search engines more relevant information about a business, person, place, reviews, product, or thing. Proper schema markup can help your site display rich snippets in the search results page, making your search result stand out and improve clickthrough rates.
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Schema markup is a form of structured data that website owners can use to provide search engines with additional information about their content. It uses a specific vocabulary of tags, or "microdata", that allows search engines to better understand the meaning and context of a webpage's content.

By using Schema markup, website owners can provide additional information to search engines about things like products, reviews, events, recipes, and more. This can help search engines display rich snippets, which are enhanced search results that include additional information such as star ratings, reviews, and images.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

"Search impression share" is the impressions you’ve received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive (The percentage of eligible impressions that your ads receive)
Eligibility is based on your current ads' targeting settings, approval statuses, bids, and quality. Impression share data is updated daily.

👽 Cognitive Biases

individuals' tendency to attribute successes to personal skills and failures to factors beyond their control.

👽 Cognitive Biases

Our failures are situational, but our successes are our responsibility.

🌍What is
💸Performance Marketing
⚡Google Ads

Have you noticed the little yellow boxes that say “ad” next to the top links in a search query? That’s search engine marketing!
Because most users select the first options that are shown in search results, businesses pay to get their website linked at the top hoping that people will click their link. This is done through AdWords for Google search results.
Other search engines (Bing, Yahoo, etc.) have similar tools.
SEM is a nebulous term that can apply to either

  1. Any digital marketing that involves the use of a search engine, or

  2. Only paid digital marketing that involves a search engine, ie: PPC (pay-per-click). There is not an industry standard as to which definition is correct, however the latter is most commonly used.

    Also SEM is the use of paid advertising listings on search engines in order to drive user traffic to your website.
    Commonly known as Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) and Bing Ads, you can usually see these paid listings at the very top of the search results with a little “Ad” symbol next to them. They appear because advertisers are bidding on certain search queries, like in an auction, stating how much they are willing to spend to have someone click on their ad.
    When a user enters a search query, the search engine determines whether keywords match the query and enters the ad into the auction. The ad is then only shown when the bid amount is sufficient and when the ad has a high “Quality Score” (a metric that determines whether your ad is relevant to the search query).

Search Engine Marketing is also the act of promoting or selling products or services via search engines. This would include search engine optimization and any digital advertising through search engines, such as Google search ads and Microsoft advertising. This does not include other digital marketing types such as social media management or social media advertising.
It is a marketing term that describes a marketing approach where you gain traffic and visibility through a search engine. You can pay for a higher spot on a search engine, or you can try to be one of the first results organically through Search Engine Optimization.


SEO is the practice of designing web pages so that they rank as high as possible in search engine search results like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
It is the process of improving a website’s performance and positioning in organic search engine results through a variety of methodologies including content production or improvement, technical and code improvement, and link acquisition.At its core, this means helping search engines better understand a website’s contents and providing users a better experience.
Do you want to increase organic growth and visibility on the internet? Then you have to polish your SEO game. Through technical (e.g., a correctly structured website that a search engine understands) and creative (using the right keywords, optimized headlines etc.) aspects, well-made SEO improves your chances of appearing among the first results in a search query on Google or other search engines.
It is a complex activity that involves optimising elements of your website, as well as getting high quality links from other websites, to get the search engine’s algorithm to favour your website pages over competing ones, for certain search queries relating to the topic and nature of your website.
Search Engine Optimization is a marketing term that refers to the strategy of enhancing a page or sites standing within a search engine through the use of keywords and content. When talking about “SEO Value” that refers to the visibility that your website is receiving. Taking into account on-page and off-page factors, inbound marketers can improve their sites placement in search engine results. Search engines take into account A LOT of factors including titles, tags, keywords, images, content, word-count, links, inbound links,… you get the idea. There’s a lot of factors in improving SEO value, so try to fine-tune all of these different factors to see what the best combination will be for getting the most visibility.


A sponsored link attribute is a way to identify links on a webpage that are part of a paid or sponsored advertisement. This attribute is used to signal to search engines that the link is not an organic or natural link, but rather a paid placement.
The sponsored link attribute can be added to links using the "rel" attribute in HTML. The syntax for the attribute is "rel="sponsored"". When search engines encounter a link with the sponsored attribute, they may choose to handle it differently than a regular link. For example, search engines may choose to not count sponsored links towards a website's ranking in search results.


SEO is the practice of designing web pages so that they rank as high as possible in search engine search results like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
It is the process of improving a website’s performance and positioning in organic search engine results through a variety of methodologies including content production or improvement, technical and code improvement, and link acquisition.At its core, this means helping search engines better understand a website’s contents and providing users a better experience.
Do you want to increase organic growth and visibility on the internet? Then you have to polish your SEO game. Through technical (e.g., a correctly structured website that a search engine understands) and creative (using the right keywords, optimized headlines etc.) aspects, well-made SEO improves your chances of appearing among the first results in a search query on Google or other search engines.
It is a complex activity that involves optimising elements of your website, as well as getting high quality links from other websites, to get the search engine’s algorithm to favour your website pages over competing ones, for certain search queries relating to the topic and nature of your website.
Search Engine Optimization is a marketing term that refers to the strategy of enhancing a page or sites standing within a search engine through the use of keywords and content. When talking about “SEO Value” that refers to the visibility that your website is receiving. Taking into account on-page and off-page factors, inbound marketers can improve their sites placement in search engine results. Search engines take into account A LOT of factors including titles, tags, keywords, images, content, word-count, links, inbound links,… you get the idea. There’s a lot of factors in improving SEO value, so try to fine-tune all of these different factors to see what the best combination will be for getting the most visibility.


A sitewide link is a link on a webpage that appears on every page of a website. It is typically found in the header, footer, or sidebar of a webpage and is often used for navigation purposes or to promote important content.


SEO silo is a technique of organizing a website's content into related groups or categories.
In an SEO silo, the website's content is grouped into categories that are topically related, with each category or silo representing a specific theme or topic. Each silo contains several pages or posts, which are linked together using internal links.
The main idea behind an SEO silo is to create a website structure that is intuitive, easy to navigate, and helps search engines understand the relevance and importance of each piece of content.

💡Marketing 101

is the subset of your SAM(Service Obtainable Market) that you will realistically get to use your product. This is effectively your target market that you will initially try to sell to.


A metric in Google Analytics that measures one user interacting with a website during a given period of time, A session may include several web page visits and interactions or it may contain just one. A new session begins if a user visited a website via one campaign, leaves and comes back via a different campaign. A session is not dependent on how many pages are viewed, so if a person goes to a website and looks around at different pages for 20 minutes, it would count as 1 session.
A new session will also start after midnight or after 30 minutes of inactivity. This means a single user might have multiple sessions in a single day or over several weeks.

🌍What is

Refers to the average number of times users have visited your website over a given period broken down by channel type

💸Performance Marketing
💡Marketing 101

is the ad spend that you’re capturing in your business’ category, divided by the total ad spend in that category

Share of voice measures the percentage of media spending by a company compared to the total media expenditure for the product, service, or category in the market.

💸Performance Marketing

A digital ad format designed specifically for products that are sold online.Which include rich product information, such as a product image, price, and merchant name. They’re created using data attributes from the product information you submit in your Merchant Center data feed and are shown to people who are already searching for the kinds of products you advertise.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

An ad extension in Google Adwords that appears below the main ad copy which links to a specific page on the website (i.e. Contact Us, About Us, etc.). Ads can have from 2-6 sitelinks.

A type of rich result that shows links to various pages on a website, resulting in a larger listing for the website on the SERP. Sitelinks are sometimes automatically generated by search engines if deemed relevant to the user’s search query.


A file in a specific format (XML) used to provide and lists all of the pages and posts for search engines to see on a website and the relationship between the content.This document helps search engines quickly understand all of the content that they should be aware of on a particular website.
Sitemaps make it easier for search engines to crawl websites and find pages to index.


the portion of a URL that comes after the that denotes a specific page or post on a website. For example: – ‘blog’ is the slug

the homepage might be, but for the Contact Us page, a slug would be added to the end of the URL to direct the browser to a page within the website i.e.

🎯Digital Marketing

When a marketer tracks
Social listening is how social media managers and marketer track what people are saying about their brand on social media. And analyze conversations around key topics, terms, brands and more, often with a specialized software tool.

Social listening software gathers mentions, comments, hashtags, and relevant posts from across social media to provide insights on what users are talking about and how. Brands often use these insights to tap into key trends and see what people are saying about them and their competitors.