Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

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🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

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🌍What is

A core component of Google’s algorithm that utilizes machine learning to evaluate most relevant search results and related queries especially queries that are entered for the first time. It is believed that RankBrain uses an interpretation model that can test a variety of potential factors and determine the intent of the search.

🌍What is

These are items that are used in search algorithms and impact how and where a webpage appears on search engine result pages.
It's one element of how a search engine determines where to rank a certain page, such as the number of inbound links to a page or the contents of the title tag on that page. There are currently over 200 ranking factors.

💸Performance Marketing
🌍What is

The total number of people who saw your ads at least once.
Reach is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people.
It's a display advertising metric which counts the number of users who have seen your ad. Video, display, and social media advertising often measure reach; however, search ads do not include reach in their reporting.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We do the opposite of what we’re told, especially when we perceive threats to personal freedoms.

👽 Cognitive Biases

A tendency to overvalue the most recent information available to us, because that information is especially fresh and salient.


Two websites linking to each other, for mutual SEO benefit.
typically for the express purpose of increasing both’s search engine ranking. These types of links are sometimes deemed manipulative by search engines, which can incur a penalty or devaluation against both sites.


A reciprocal link is a type of link exchange where two websites agree to link to each other's site. In a reciprocal link exchange, Website A will add a link to Website B on their own site, and in return, Website B will add a link to Website A on their site. Reciprocal link exchanges can be seen as a form of spam or manipulative link building.
Doing this is against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.


A way by which a web browser takes a user from one page to another without the user clicking or making any input.
This type of redirect is to be used for permanent redirects (example: you own and but you only want one website.
There are various types of redirects (the most common of which is the 301 redirect), which serve different purposes. You would 301 redirect all of the traffic from to so that all visitors end up on
Typically, this helps improve user experience across a website by helping the user find what they are looking for or avoiding dead ends like 404 (Not Found) errors.


In Google Analytics, this is the website a user visited prior to visiting another website. (as opposed to coming from a Google search, for example)
Typically the user clicked on a link to the website they are visiting from the referring website. When users click on a link to another, external webpage, they are said to have been “referred” there.


In HTML, “rel” is an attribute associated with links. “Canonical” can be applied to the “rel” attribute, which will link to the original or authoritative page from which content is being used or referenced. The “canonical” page is the original content, and any page referencing it is a duplicate or otherwise similar page. Used to prevent duplicate content issues and maintain search engine rankings.
It is an element that prevents duplicate content issues by specifying the preferred version of a web page. In a nutshell, the rel=canonical tag tells search engines that the specific URL is the one they should look at when duplicate content is an issue.


A style of website design which ensures that the website appears appropriately on devices with different screen sizes.

A Responsive Web Design, is the idea that your business wants to create a website that adapts to how a user is viewing it. For instance, if a visitor is viewing your website on mobile, you do not want it to be a different website than if they visited your site on a computer. By making sure your website can adapt to any resolution/screen size, your business will ensure that no visitor has a disjointed experience when visiting your website.
Also it's a philosophy of creating a website that allows all of the content to show correctly regardless of screen size or device. Your website will “respond” to the size of the screen each user has, shrinking and reorganizing on smaller screens, and expanding to fill appropriately on large ones.

💸Performance Marketing
🌍What is

In social media advertising, retargeting is the technique of targeting ads at users who have interacted with your page or website before. A social media marketer may retarget a user who clicked a Facebook ad for new boots, went to the checkout page, and then didn’t complete the sale, Common retargeting audiences are people who have visited a website, watched a video, signed up for an email, or purchased in the past. for example. Retargeting can be done by either tracking user activities with the Facebook Pixel or CRM lists uploaded of past or potential customers to target.
Remarketing is an effective way to reconnect with your website visitors who haven’t achieved a desired action like signing up for a service or buying a product. It enables marketers to target them with new ads that will make them more likely to convert .
It's a type of paid ad that allows advertisers to show ads to customers who have already visited their site. Once a user visits a site, a small piece of data called a “cookie” will be stored in the user’s browser. When the user then visits other sites, this cookie can allow remarketing ads to be shown. Remarketing allows advertisers to “follow” users around in attempts to get the user back to the original site.

💸Performance Marketing
🌍What is
💡Marketing 101

A performance metric used to describe the amount of revenue generated from spending on advertising. It is calculated by dividing the revenue generated by the actual spending on advertising.
It is How many dollars a campaign earns for every dollar spent. ROAS = revenue / media cost
For example, if a company spends $7000 on an advertising campaign that generates $28,000 in revenue, the return on ad spend it $28,000/$7,000 or 4:1. Unlike ROI, this does not take into account other costs such as employee time or other technologies.. ROAS is one of the main KPIs in determining campaign effectiveness.


A text file stored on a website’s server that includes basic rules for indexing robots which “crawl” the site. This file allows you to specifically allow (or disallow) certain files and folders from being viewed by crawler bots, which can keep your indexed pages limited to only the pages you wish.
It is a file that says to a search engine crawler “do not search” all or certain parts of a website that you want to keep private, therefore stopping it from appearing in search engine results.It used by webmasters that give search engine robots [like Googlebot] directives on how to crawl a website.It gives rules for search engines to follow when crawling a website. Here you can designate pages to skip and pages that are allowed.

💡Marketing 101
🌍What is

When you put your money and effort into something, you probably want to know what results it's driving. ROI measures the performance and the efficiency of your investment compared with other investments.
ROI is calculated by dividing total revenue by the total cost of investments. ROI = revenue / media cost or ROI = revenue / (media cost + additional fees or associated costs). As a simplified example, if a business spends $2,000 on a digital advertising campaign that generates $10,000, the business’s ROI is 500% or 5:1. Five dollars earned for every one dollar spent.
In digital marketing, ROI is often substituted for ROAS.
In order for a business to receive a positive ROI, they must earn more money using marketing channels than they are spending on the marketing itself.
A Return-On-Investment refers to the metric used to evaluate the profitability of any given investment or compare the promise of multiple investments. To calculate an ROI for given investment, take the Gain from Investment then subtract from it the Cost of Investment, then divide that difference by the Cost of Investment ([Gain-Cost]/[Cost]). The larger the ratio is, the better! If the ratio is above one, you will be making more than your initial investment. However, if your ratio is negative, then that investment may cause your company to lose money. To carefully choose which investments to follow, try to determine the ROI before making a decision.

💡Marketing 101
🌍What is

RSS stands for ‘really simple syndication.’ It is a subscription-based way to get updates on new content from a web source. Set up an RSS feed for your website or blog to help your followers stay updated when you release new content.


A rich snippet is a search result that displays additional information beyond the traditional title, URL, and meta description. Rich snippets typically include images, star ratings, reviews, product information, recipes, and other types of structured data that provide additional context and information to users.

Rich snippets are created using structured data markup such as