Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

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🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

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👽 Cognitive Biases

We believe that we observe objective reality and that other people have a higher egocentric bias than they actually do in their intentions/actions.

👽 Cognitive Biases

We believe that we observe objective reality and that other people are irrational, uninformed, or biased.

🌍What is

An acronym for name, address, phone, and website that is often used in relation to citations or business listings as a part of Local SEO.It is important for this information to be correct across the internet.
Consistency in name, address, and phone number citations is an important piece of a local SEO Campaign. To build local SEO authority, a business’s name, address ,and phone number should be listed across local citation websites like Yelp, Google Business, Angie’s List, Yellow pages, Better Business Bureau, Foursquare, and more.

🌍What is
💸Performance Marketing

Native advertising on social media is the method of showing paid content to users in a way that looks organic.where an ad follows the form, function, and feel of the content of the media where it’s placed
Promoted Facebook posts and promoted tweets are good examples of native ads, as they appear similar to standard posts in users’ feeds while having their reach extended with an ad budget.
A recent study found that consumers looked at native ads 53% more often than display ads.
Native ads are currently considered more effective in terms of engagement, as they enable marketers to target audiences with content that closely matches their experience.
Native advertising, in the context of empowered marketer, describes advertising that adapts to its surroundings to fit in on any given website or social media platform. In other words, it is advertising that tries not to stand out to the point of being interruptive — it blends into its environment. This way the ads feel less like an advertisement, and more like a natural part of the site or platform.
An example of this kind of ad would be a character in a movie drinking a certain soda with the logo pointed directly toward the screen so that the audience can see it. The point is to be natural and to not be overbearing in terms of advertising.
We can say that Native Ads are ads appear as part of the design and flow of the web page they are located on. Rather than standing out as an obvious hard-selling ad, native ads tend to have an editorial look and feel, with a softer selling approach.


An HTML link attribute that communicates to web crawlers and search engines that the link to the destination web page should NOT transfer SEO equity (ie it shouldn’t give SEO benefit to the recipient).
It's a directive used to tell search engines not to follow a specific link or the links on a webpage or count the link towards its PageRank.
According to Google’s guidelines, any link that is unnatural (like you paid for a press release, or you gave a journalist a perk for writing about your product) should have a nofollow tag.
When a link from one site does not pass SEO credit to another. Do not use nofollow when linking to internal pages in your website. Use it when linking to external pages that you don’t want to endorse.


An HTML tag intended for web crawlers, which requests that the crawler does not index the page.
a directive used to tell search engines to not include that particular page in its list of search results. You would usually use a noindex on pages that you don’t want a user to find unless they are directly told about it, for example a promotion page, an employee only page or a goal completion ‘thank you’ page.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

“Non-measurable impr. distrib.” is the percentage of your total impressions that appeared in locations that aren’t able to measure viewabiity.
It shows the number of times your ad appeared in locations that aren’t able to measure viewabiity.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

“Non-viewable impression distribution” represents the percentage of your total ad impressions that were considered non-viewable. Total impressions include both measurable and non-measurable impressions. This can help you understand how many of your ad’s impressions couldn’t be viewed.
It shows the number of times your ad was considered non-viewable. An ad is non-viewable when it doesn’t have at least 50% of its area visible for at least 1 second for Display Network ads, or 2 seconds for video ads.

👽 Cognitive Biases

The narrative fallacy leads us to see events as stories, with logical chains of cause and effect. Stories help us make sense of the world.
The narrative fallacy addresses our limited ability to look at sequences of facts without weaving an explanation into them, or, equivalently, forcing a logical link, an arrow of relationship upon them.

I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm. By: Franklin D. Roosevelt

🚀 Startup

Is the percentage of earned revenue from existing customers and indicates business growth potential.

💭Behavioral Economics

A behavioral economics concept that suggests that small, subtle, and often indirect changes in the environment can influence and guide people's behavior towards making better choices. It is based on the idea that people often make choices that are not in their best interest because of cognitive biases or other external factors thai influence their decision-making process.
Nudges can be designed to encourage people to make better choices without forcing them to do so. For example, placing healthy food options at eye level in a cafeteria can nudge people towards making healthier choices. Similarly, using default options, such as enrolling employees in a retirement plan by default, can nudge people towards saving for their future.
The idea behind Nudge Theory is that these small nudges can have a big impact on behavior change without limiting people's freedom of choice. The theory has been applies in various domains, including healthcare, environmental conservation, and public policy, t encourage people to make better decisions for themselves and society.


The rel="noreferrer" is a HTML link attributes that tells the browser not to send the HTTP referer header to the linked page when someone clicks on the link. The referer header usually contains information about the page the user came from, and some websites use this information for analytics, tracking, and security purposes. By adding rel="noreferrer" to a link, you can prevent the linked site from knowing the URL of the page the user came from your as analytics won't show who refered that link. Instead, it will mistakenly show as direct traffic in your acquisition channels report.


The rel="nofollow" is a HTML attribute that tells search engines not to follow the link and not to credit it with any search engine optimization (SEO) benefits. This means that if a website links to another site using rel="nofollow", search engines will not count that link as a vote of confidence for the linked site. Nofollow links are often used for user-generated content like comments, forum posts, and social media profiles to prevent spam and maintain the integrity of search results.

🌍What is

When you click on a link on a website, sometimes it opens a new window or tab to show you something else. This is useful, but it can also be a security risk because the new window can control the original window that opened it. To prevent this, web developers can add a special code called "noopener" to the link, which stops the new window from being able to control the original window. It's like putting up a fence between the two windows to keep them separate and safe from each other.

🌍What is

When a search engine crawls a webpage, it follows all the links on that page to discover new pages to index. By default, search engines assume that all links on a webpage are trustworthy and follow them to the destination page. However, sometimes website owners may not want search engines to follow a particular link, such as if it's a paid link or a user-generated link that may be spammy or low-quality.

Adding the rel="nofollow" attribute to a link tells search engines not to follow that link, and therefore, not to pass any "link juice" or ranking power to the destination page. This can help prevent spammy or low-quality links from affecting a website's overall search engine rankings.