Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
Search for the keyword that you’ve been meaning to look up, and voilà!
Or perhaps you’re new to digital and looking for a quick overview to get you up to speed?
We’ve got you!

Click on any letter to see all the words that start with this letter

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🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

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💸Performance Marketing

A technique that allows multiple demand sources to bid on ad inventory simultaneously before the ad server makes a final decision on which ad to display. This increases revenue for publishers by enabling them to sell their inventory to the highest bidder. In contrast, traditional programmatic advertising uses the waterfall system, a sequential process where ad inventory is sent to different demand sources in a predetermined order. However, this system has a flaw that the highest bid can lose to a lower bid from a later demand source in the order.

👽 Cognitive Biases

If you see a person as having a positive trait, that positive impression will spill over into their other traits. (This also works for negative traits.)

🎯Digital Marketing

A phrase beginning with the symbol “#” used in social media as a way for tagging content for users to find. Adding hashtags to a post allows users to find that post when searching for that topic. This can be used for finding users looking for broad topics on social media, as well as niche, detailed topics.
Clicking on it will result in viewing other posts that have used the same word or phrase.
A hashtag (#) is a way of connecting your posts on social media to other posts on the same subject or trending topic. By searching for a specific hashtag, users can find all public posts that have it. For example, users seeking content about the World Cup might look for posts with #WorldCup or #FIFA. Social media marketers often follow the popularity of hashtags over time to see what’s trending on social media.
The hashtag known as some remember it, the pound-sign, is a way of tagging certain keywords or empowered marketer on social media. Originating on Twitter, the hashtag has become an easy way to see what the internet is saying about a specific term or topic. Hashtags can now be used on most forms of social media, so knowing what people are saying about any given hashtag is crucial knowledge. To search for a hashtag, you can type in any term with a “#” in front such as #Responsify or #Google or even phrases such as #ILoveFridays. To make things even easier, HubSpot has a hashtag monitoring tool that will help you track how any given hashtag is doing. When posting to social media, make sure to hashtag your empowered marketer and keywords to make sure your company is included in the conversation about that term/topic.


Header tags are used in HTML for categorizing text headings on a web page. They are, in essence, the titles and major topics of a web page and help indicate to readers and search engines what the page is about. Header tags use a cascading format where a page should generally have only one H1 (main title) but beneath can be multiple H2s (subtitles) and every H2 can have H3s beneath (sub-sub titles) and so on.

H1 is typically used only once on a webpage, and is used to display the most important title.
H2 is used to display the major subtopics of a certain webpage
H3 is used to display the major subtopics underneath an H2 tag.


A data visualization tool or a graphical representation often used in digital marketing to show how users have interacted with a website . Heatmapping software is used to track where users click on a page, how they scroll, and what they hover over. Heatmaps are used to collect user behavior data to assist in designing and optimizing a website.


Special code you can add to your HTML to help search engines understand the language on a page and show it to users using matching browser languages or based on IP address region.


Stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a set of codes that are used to tell a web browser how to display a webpage. Each individual code is called an element, or a tag. HTML has a starting and ending element for most markups.The coding language used to build almost all websites.
HTML uses a variety of tags and attributes to create the structure and layout of a web page.
It's the code part of your website that search engines read. Keep your HTML is the foundation of a website. It is often paired with CSS and Javascript for style and functionality.
HTML is the coding language used to create documents for use on the Internet. HTML as clean as possible so that search engines read your site easily and often. Put as much layout-related code as possible in your CSS instead of your HTML.


Stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure , it is a variant of the web transfer protocol HTTP that adds a layer of security on the data in transit , it's a web resource protocol indicating that information is transferred over a secure connection.
HTTPS is an encrypted version that requires the use of a SSL certificate.
Seeing a website with https assures the user that the website is secure and any data (such as credit card information) they enter will only be recognised by your computer and the server and cannot be captured by an outside source.
It used to define how data is formatted and transmitted across the web. HTTPS has an advantage over HTTP in that the data sent when fetching a webpage is encrypted, adding a layer of security so that third parties can’t gather data about the webpage when the data is sent from the server to the browser.


A hyperlink is an HTML code that creates a link from one webpage to another web page, it is a connection from one page, element, or document on the internet to another. characterized often by a highlighted word or image that takes you to the destined location when you click on that highlighted item.


An approach to search engine optimization (SEO) that takes into account the entire website and its overall online presence, rather than just focusing on individual keywords or individual pages. Holistic SEO aims to create a comprehensive strategy that covers all aspects of a website's optimization, including technical optimization, content creation, user experience, and off-page factors such as backlinks and social media presence.