Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
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Or perhaps you’re new to digital and looking for a quick overview to get you up to speed?
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🚀 Startup

A term used in subscription-based businesses to indicate the amount of revenue that is committed and recurring on an annual basis.
In other words, ARR is the total amount of revenue a company expects to receive from customers who have committed to renewing their subscriptions at the same rate for another year.

🚀 Startup

Is the percentage of recurring revenue retained from existing customers in a defined time period, including downgrades, and cancels. It does not include any expansion revenue.

🚀 Startup

Is the predictable total revenue generated by your business from all the active subscriptions in a particular month.

🚀 Startup

Is the percentage of earned revenue from existing customers and indicates business growth potential.

🚀 Startup

A framework to cut a company in pieces and shows you where to focus your attention. The funnel is developed by Dave McClure and called the Pirate Funnel because the first letters spell out AAARRR for Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue.

🚀 Startup

way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.

SaaS Startup is a company that provides software as a service, typically through a subscription model. SaaS startups are typically focused on delivering a specific software solution to a target market, and they often use a freemium business model to attract and retain customers.