Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
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🌍What is

An API is a way of getting specific information from other applications or websites, which you can use for a variety of different needs. It is similar to a set of tools used for building a software application. The better the tools, the easier it is to make a good product. In the case of an API, the better the API, the easier it is to develop a program.

APIs are programming tools that allow one to extract information and data from another are application or data analytics. Through the use of several rules or commands that the creator of the API has put in place, the API calls upon another’s application and bring you information that you can use in your own product.

An API is a set of building blocks that programmers can use to develop computer programs. As far as social media is concerned, all the major social networks have their own APIs that let programmers create their own software that works with the networks. Third party social media tools such as Falcon rely on social media APIs to integrate with platforms like Facebook.

🎯Digital Marketing

The area of HTML code containing all of the page information, such as images, tables, text, and hyperlinks.


An HTML element that is used to avoid duplicate content problems by telling search engines which page of content is the preferred version.

It also can be explained as a piece of code that is added into the html head of a webpage to indicate to Google whether a piece of content is original or duplicated from somewhere else. Original content should canonical to itself, and content taken from other places should point the canonical to the original source URL. Canonicals can also be used to avoid duplicate content issues within a website.


CSS goes hand in hand with HTML and JavaScript to help make your website look like what it looks like. CSS specifically gives your site its style, color, fonts, and background images. Good CSS techniques and conventions are crucial to creating an attractive webpage that won’t repulse visitors! CSS is also what allows websites adapt to mobile devices and other types of screens.

Stands for “Cascading Style Sheets”. CSS is a document of code that tells the website’s HTML how it should appear on screen. CSS is a time saving document for web designers, as they can style batched-sections of HTML code, rather than styling individual lines of code one-at-a-time.

🌍What is

The languages used to build a website. The most commonly used languages in web design are HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP.


A small item of data sent from a website, that is stored on the user’s device. Cookies help the user’s device remember useful data like items in a shopping cart, which pages have already been visited or form field information. The purpose of a cookie is to keep track of where the user is and help create customized web pages or save login


Stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a set of codes that are used to tell a web browser how to display a webpage. Each individual code is called an element, or a tag. HTML has a starting and ending element for most markups.The coding language used to build almost all websites.
HTML uses a variety of tags and attributes to create the structure and layout of a web page.
It's the code part of your website that search engines read. Keep your HTML is the foundation of a website. It is often paired with CSS and Javascript for style and functionality.
HTML is the coding language used to create documents for use on the Internet. HTML as clean as possible so that search engines read your site easily and often. Put as much layout-related code as possible in your CSS instead of your HTML.


JavaScript is a scripting / programming language that helps to create a website.
Javascript is used on web browsers to provide interactive elements to web pages that are difficult or impossible to achieve with just HTML or CSS.
it goes hand in hand with HTML and CSS to create an engaging and beautiful website. JS is the functionality piece to the puzzle — JavaScript is what determines the dynamic behavior of your website. All pop-ups, password creation, forms, navigation bars, etc. are controlled by JS. Having an interactive website will keep visitors engaged with your content. Make sure you know how to use all three coding languages when creating a website to make sure it is the best it can possibly be!

It also known as A programming language used to create interactive or dynamic elements on a web page.
It allows website administrators to apply various effects or changes to the content of their website as users browse it. Search engines often have difficulty reading content that is inside of Javascript, but they are getting better at it over time.

🌍What is

Data that tells search engines what your website is about. It's an HTML snippets added to a webpage’s code that add contextual information for web crawlers and search engines. Search engines use metadata to help decide what information from a webpage to display in their results. Example meta tags include the date the page was published, the page title, author, and image descriptions.

🌍What is

Additional code written in a specific way added to a webpage , most commonly as HTML or Javascript
that allows search engines to understand the content more clearly. This code describes to search engines entities and their relationships to each other.
It is used to display information in search results in a particular way with the goal of enhancing the search engine user’s experience.