Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
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🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

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A video view of 2 seconds or more


The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, Actions include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses, and more
For example, 2 Page likes and 2 comments would be counted as 4 actions.

💸Performance Marketing

Ads Manager is Facebook’s tool for creating, running and analyzing social ads. It can manage your ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network. It offers a wide variety of features for ad targeting, budgeting, and optimization as well.

💸Performance Marketing
🌍What is

This is a network of websites, mobile app and mobile web publishers who've been approved by Facebook to show ads in their apps.

💸Performance Marketing

An organic post that a marketer pays to show in front of a targeted audience. This type of ad lives on the brand’s page even after the budget caps out.

A boosted post is a Facebook post that you put money behind to increase its reach. Also known as promoted posts, boosted posts differ from Facebook ads in that they start out as organic posts and then get additional paid reach based on your spend. Also, you can launch them directly from your Facebook Page without using Ads Manager. Like Facebook ads, though, boosted posts allow you to target a specific audience and set an exact boost duration and budget.

💸Performance Marketing
⚡Google Ads

The budget column shows your campaign's daily budget. If the campaign draws from a shared budget, then the amount in this column reflects the entire shared budget.

It also considered as the maximum amount you're willing to spend on your ad sets or campaigns, on average each day or over the lifetime of your scheduled ad sets or campaigns.

💸Performance Marketing

Facebook Business Manager is a software that helps organizations manage their Pages, ad accounts, and team members. It helps marketers to manage multiple pages and ad accounts in one central location. It serves as a hub to connect a business’s advertising, finances, users, and Pages and allow for easy administration. It also ensures that company data and account access is legally and practically under control of the company instead of an individual user.

💸Performance Marketing

A billing threshold allows you to set when Facebook sends you a bill for your ads based on how much you spend.

💸Performance Marketing

Allows Facebook to use the campaign budget and distribute it automatically to the top performing ad sets. It's automatically manages your campaign budget across ad sets to get you the overall best results

💸Performance Marketing

A Facebook Custom Audience lets you target your Facebook ads at a specific group of people who have already interacted with your brand.
So, instead of targeting your ads to people through luck or broad demographics like age or gender, you can target your ads based on data pulled from your own website, app, offline lists or from Facebook itself.
Using a Facebook Custom Audience allows you to do some pretty cool things, such as:

Retarget ads to people who have interacted with one of your Facebook posts.
Craft ads for specific segments of your audience, like your bottom-of-the-funnel email list.
Upsell new products to people who are currently customers.

💸Performance Marketing
⚡Google Ads

The amount a marketer wants to spend per day on a specific audience or campaign initiative. This can fluctuate up to 20% each day.

💸Performance Marketing
⚡Google Ads

An online digital advertising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their advertisements.This is typically associated with a traffic objective, as it makes the most sense for advertisers to pay based on clicks when their primary goal is to increase visits to a website or landing page.
The PPC model is commonly associated with search engine and social media advertising like Google Adwords and Facebook Ads.
The model Paid Search uses for the amount an advertiser owes a Search Engine for each click on a paid ad.
The PPC model is auction based and advertisers bid on the keywords they want their ads to show for in the search auction.
Once an advertiser wins the auction, their ad shows within the search results.
Once a user clicks on that ad, the advertiser must pay the bid price of that keyword’s ad.
A Pay-Per-Click is a marketing term used to describe the amount spent to receive a click on one of your digital advertisements.
There are two models by which PPC is generally paid for, but the idea is that every time the advertiser generates a click for your company, you pay them a certain amount.
The first model by which people pay for PPC ads, is the flat rate model. In this model, the advertiser and the publisher agree on a fixed amount that will be paid for each click. If you are sure that you will receive a decent amount of traffic, it is better to go with this approach.
The second model is a bid-based model, where the advertiser competes against other advertisers in a network. Each advertiser will appear in a certain spot and will “bid” a maximum amount of money that it is willing to pay. After that maximum is reached, their ad will disappear. This model is appropriate for those company’s that have a smaller amount of traffic, because it will be cheaper in the long run.