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💡Marketing 101
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Generally speaking A/B Testing means If you want to improve your marketing efforts, A/B testing may come in handy. This is the process of comparing two variations of the same variable to find out which one performs best.

This type of testing is used in

  • Email Marketing (changes in the subject line or copy),
  • Ads (Running and comparing two variations of an ad at the same time to measure performance to identify the most effective version),
  • Measures two social media posts against each other to see which performs best
  • Calls-To-Action (changes in color and wording), and landing pages (changes in content).
    An example of A/B testing would be to see which tasted better on a sandwich: American cheese or cheddar cheese!

It's also known as "split test", The most common way of using A/B tests is to only change one element of the post between the two versions so that you know any difference in performance is because of that change.

🎯Digital Marketing
💡Marketing 101

A Google platform that allows websites to earn money by publishing Google network ads on their website.

🌍What is
💡Marketing 101
🎯Digital Marketing

A process or set of rules that computers follow to perform a task. In digital marketing, algorithm usually refers the the sets of processes Google uses to order and rank websites in search results. The SEO industry gives various Google algorithms their own nicknames like Penguin (which analyzes the quality of links pointing to a website) and Panda (which assesses the quality of the content on a website). The main ranking algorithm is SEO is referred to as “The core algorithm”.

in digital marketing, the algorithm usually refers to the procedure that search engines go through, process and use to rank websites in Search Engine Results. while in social media it means the set of rules a social network uses to automatically decide which posts come first in your feed. For example, if Facebook decides that it wants to prioritize posts with lots of comments (as it did with recent algorithm changes), it adjusts the rules of its feed algorithm to push those posts up.

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Comprises the information gathering, analysis, and reporting process. Data is derived from all online touchpoints (i.e. a website, direct, organic, and paid channels), analyzed for insights and trends, and then delivered for strategic implementation.

A Google platform that allows webmasters to collect statistics and data about website visitors. Google Analytics (sometimes abbreviated as GA) allows webmasters to see where web traffic comes from and how visitors behave once on the site.

Analytics is essentially the discovery and visualization of important patterns in data. In the context of marketing 101 terms, it is looking at the data of one’s metrics (website visitor reports, social, PPC, etc.), noticing trends within that data, and then creating insights that can be utilized when making marketing decisions. Popular analytics services include Google Analytics, Hubspot, Mixpanel, Kapost, and Kissmetrics among many others.

In a social media context, analytics is the process of following metrics on your social media performance and using that data to improve your strategy. For instance, watching your engagement rate over time to see if your posts are becoming more or less compelling to your followers is one way of using social analytics.

🌍What is
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the integration of digital information with the user’s existing environment to enhance it. An example of this is the Pokémon Go app, where your avatar is overlaid on a real-world map and content.

🎯Digital Marketing
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The ability to remove a post from the public feed, but still have it saved on the social media platform.

💸Performance Marketing
💡Marketing 101
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🎯Digital Marketing

Models of how conversion credit is applied to ads or campaigns based on the ways users interact with ads.

It's a method of assigning full or partial value of an action to various touchpoints along the customer journey. There are several different types of attribution models that marketers use such as first-touch, last-touch, time-decay, , position based and multi-touch attribution models.

🎯Digital Marketing
💡Marketing 101
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A group of people you target your ads to. Your audience on social media is the group of people you’re able to reach with your content. This includes all your followers plus anyone who sees or interacts with your posts in their feed. Growing your social media audience is one of the best ways to spread brand awareness.

💡Marketing 101
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Using computer programs to perform tasks that are repetitive, that would normally be completed by a human. Email programs can use automation to send email messages to people based on certain triggers (new customers, did or did not open the last email, etc). Marketers also use automation to nurture leads by sending relevant content to previous visitors of a website, in an attempt to get the visitor back to convert into a sale.

🌍What is
🎯Digital Marketing

Your social media avatar, also known as your profile picture, is a small image that represents you on a social network. It can be a real photo of you, a corporate logo, or anything you want your followers to identify as ‘you’ on social.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing

It is the average amount you've paid per interaction.

How it works: This amount is the total cost of your ads divided by the total number of interactions.

Example: If there are two interactions with your ad, one costing $0.30 and one costing $0.40, your average cost for those interactions is $0.35.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing

The average price an advertiser pays when a user clicks on their ad.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing

The average amount of money spent to generate each conversion. This is calculated by dividing the total cost of advertising during a period of time by the total number of conversions over the same period of time.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing

The average cost for every 1000 impressions that are received. This is measured by dividing the total cost of advertising by the number of impressions then multiplying by 1000.

💸Performance Marketing
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The value amount of money (typically revenue) that customers spend per visit.

💡Marketing 101
🌍What is
🎯Digital Marketing

ATL is used when the focus is on mass media promotion to reach a large audience. ATL includes media such as radio, TV, print media such as newspaper and magazines, and billboards. All promotional messages are untargeted, meaning they do not focus on a specific target group.

🎯Digital Marketing

Average response time is a social customer service metric. It is the average time it takes a brand to reply to questions or complaints on social media. Consumer expectations of social customer support response times have become more and more demanding in recent years, with 42% of customers now expecting a response within 60 minutes.

🎯Digital Marketing

“Average session duration” is the total duration of all sessions (in seconds) divided by the number of sessions. You can use this metric to measure visitor quality. This metric is imported from your Google Analytics accounts and is calculated based only on sessions that originated from Google Ads clicks.

If you don't see data in this column, your accounts might not be linked properly or there might be no data for the data range you’ve selected (Google Analytics data is not available for dates before July 1, 2011).

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing
⚡Google Ads

Average target CPA is the average target that your bid strategy optimized for over the selected time period.

This average includes device bid adjustments, ad group target CPAs, and any changes you've made to your strategy target over this time period.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing
⚡Google Ads

Average target ROAS is the average target that your bid strategy optimized for over the selected time period.

This average includes ad group ROAS targets, and any changes you've made to your strategy target over this time period.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing

Average cost-per-click (Avg. CPC) is the amount you've paid for your ad divided by its total clicks. If your ad receives 2 clicks, one costing $0.20 and one costing $0.40, your average CPC for those clicks is $0.30.

Note that Avg. CPC may at times be higher than Max. CPC. For Hotel Ads, this is typically because the Max. CPC is multiplied by the number of nights in the itinerary. For example, if Max. CPC is set at $2, then the most that a click will cost for a 1-night stay is $2. For a 3-night stay, the most that a click will cost is $6. The Avg. CPC will reflect the full price you pay for each click.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing

Average cost-per-view (avg. CPV) is the average amount you paid each time someone viewed your video ad. It equals the total cost of all views divided by the total number of views. This differs from maximum CPV, which is the most you're willing to pay for an ad view.

💸Performance Marketing
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how many external links your page has compared to your main conversion goal.

💸Performance Marketing
🎯Digital Marketing

“Avg. viewable CPM” is the average amount you’ve been charged for 1,000 viewable impressions on Video and Display Network ads.

🎯Digital Marketing

The area of HTML code containing all of the page information, such as images, tables, text, and hyperlinks.