Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
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A style of website design that creates web pages of different sizes in order to appear appropriately on devices with different screen sizes. It differs from Responsive Web Design in that it is actually multiple websites of different sizes rather than a single website which is coded to adapt to different screen sizes.
Today, Responsive Web Design is now the recommended style, and Adaptive Web Design is no longer the recommended style for creating responsive websites.


a system that stores, shares and organizes digital assets in a central location.
When you’re handling many digital files (Logos, Pics) on a daily basis, DAM may come in handy. This process helps you store and categorize your digital assets easier, so thar you can access them at any time from one place.


A style of website design which ensures that the website appears appropriately on devices with different screen sizes.

A Responsive Web Design, is the idea that your business wants to create a website that adapts to how a user is viewing it. For instance, if a visitor is viewing your website on mobile, you do not want it to be a different website than if they visited your site on a computer. By making sure your website can adapt to any resolution/screen size, your business will ensure that no visitor has a disjointed experience when visiting your website.
Also it's a philosophy of creating a website that allows all of the content to show correctly regardless of screen size or device. Your website will “respond” to the size of the screen each user has, shrinking and reorganizing on smaller screens, and expanding to fill appropriately on large ones.

🌍What is
💡Marketing 101

A phrase used to describe how a visitor interacts with a website.
The User Experience is the overall ease of interaction that a customer has had with a company. This includes the discovery of the brand, customer service, awareness, interactions with social media, use, etc. To make sure that customers are returning to your company again and again, you need to make sure that your company’s UX is as intuitive as possible. If a business is hard to get in contact with, no one is going to want to interact with that business. Make your business easy to contact and amicable in all interactions!

🌍What is
💡Marketing 101

The User Interface describes the interface that the user interacts with when using an application, visiting your website, etc. The User interface includes your toolbar, buttons, windows, and anything (visual and audio elements) on the webpage that the user can interact with. The key to a website that will retain visitors has a clean, easy-to-use UI. Make all of your links easy to get to, and make sure that nothing on your interface is hard to look at. The more intuitive your interface is the less likely you are to have visitors leave after seeing a single page.
The User Interface is the conduit on a display that allows a human to interact with a computer more easily. Good UI should be fluid and easy for most people to understand.

💡Marketing 101

Web design is the process of creating websites. It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design. Learn more about our web design services.


A design tool that shows a visual starting point of the key information that goes on each page of a website.
it is a cursory layout drawing of a webpage that acts as the first step in the design process.
Used as a basic mockup during the website design process to indicate layout and design without content.

Wireframes usually contain elements such as the header, footer, navigation, content areas, placeholder images, as well as the labeling of titles and links.