Digital Glossary

Your go-to glossary of digital terminology

Every now and then, we wonder what digital terminology means.
(What does that acronym stand for, again?)
Here is a comprehensive list of digital terms at your disposal.
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Or perhaps you’re new to digital and looking for a quick overview to get you up to speed?
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Most searchable categories
🌍What is - 💸Performance Marketing

✉️ Email Marketing

a company that provides internet access to customers or subscribers. ISPs typically provide a range of internet connection options, such as broadband, DSL, cable, and satellite, which allow customers to connect to the internet using a variety of devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets.

ISPs are responsible for maintaining the physical infrastructure, such as cables, routers, and servers, that allow internet traffic to flow between different devices and networks. They also typically provide additional services such as email hosting, domain name registration, and virtual private network (VPN) services.

ISPs may operate on a regional, national, or international level, and may be either public or private companies.


A video view of 2 seconds or more


A video view of 2 seconds or more or a swipe up on the ad. and in terms of view time only, it doesn't include the swipe ups.


Success status response code indicates that the request has succeeded.
That mean the Page is working properly


Redirects the web browser to a different location and passes all page authority from the previous page to the new page. It also tells browsers and search engines that a web page or site has been permanently moved to a new location, and includes the address to which the resource has been moved.
301 is also an HTTP status code which signifies that the web page a user is trying to reach has been permanently changed to another page.


Redirects the web browser to a different location but does not pass any page authority. It's also considered as a method of redirecting a visitor from one page to another web page, used for temporary situations only. For permanent redirects, instead use a 301.
302 is also an HTTP status code which indicates that the web page a user is trying to reach has been temporarily moved.


The error message that appears when a visitor tries to go to a web page that does not exist or when a resource does not exist it turns this error code. 404 is also an HTTP status code which signifies that the web page a user is looking for could not be found on the website’s server.


A response (status code) indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

💸Performance Marketing

The method used to decide the cost and placement of digital advertising on certain ad networks. A new ad auction occurs each time an ad is placed on an ad network.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

This column shows the number of ad changes, such as adding or deleting an ad, that have been made during your selected date range.

How it works: Click the number to see each change displayed in your change history.

Good to know: Changes made yesterday are displayed after 10am (PST) today.

💸Performance Marketing

The market for digital advertising space, run via computerized auctions that bring together both parties (advertisers and publishers) of the transaction.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

Additional information that can be included in paid search ads. Often used to provide more detail and improve a user’s interaction with an advertisement. It's a Google Ads feature that shows additional information in your top placed ads such as,

location and phone number
site links to pages deeper in your website
call outs
structured snippets
app downloads,
and click-to-call.

It's Ad extensions help advertisers create richer, more informative ads that take up more on-page real estate, which generally lead to higher Click Through Rates.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

Determines which ad formats can be in an ad group.

What it is: An ad group is a collection of ads that all have the same format/theme, for example, text (standard) or Shopping ads.

Keep in mind: To run both in-stream and video discovery ads in Google Ads video campaigns, you’ll need to create 2 different ad groups.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

A grouping of websites or digital properties (like apps) where ads can appear. and it can also be a group of websites that have ad inventory for advertisers to purchase.

For example, Google has 2 ad networks: the search network (text ads that appear in search results) and the display network (image ads that appear on millions of websites that have partnered with Google) and Facebook Audience Network.

💸Performance Marketing

A place for advertisers to create advertising campaigns and select where to show their ads from the available inventory. Google & Facebook are two of the largest ad platforms

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

Google’s method for determining each ad’s position on a search engine results page. The advertiser with the highest ad rank will be placed in the top position followed by the ad with the second highest ad rank and so forth. Ad Rank is calculated based on the bid received, Quality Score and ad assets (formerly extensions), for each ad eligible to appear.

The rank of an ad in a given auction compared to other ads in that auction used to determine the ad’s position. Ad rank may be different in each auction

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

"Ad relevance" measures how closely your keyword matches the message in your ads. A below average score may mean that your ads are too general or specific to answer the user’s query, or that this keyword isn’t relevant to your business.

Ad relevance is one component of your keyword’s overall Quality Score.

⚡Google Ads
💸Performance Marketing

Since Google will only show one ad at a time from an advertiser, ad rotation determines which ad to display if there is more than one ad contained in an ad group.

💸Performance Marketing

the act of scheduling particular advertisements in order and tailoring your next advertisement according to the user’s actions on the first advertisement, to increase conversions.

💸Performance Marketing

Ad servers are automated servers that help you request, bid on, and place your ads on websites, as well as monitor the progress of each campaign. For advertisers handling billions of data per day, ad servers make it easy to select the ads with the most potential and place them on appropriate websites.


A style of website design that creates web pages of different sizes in order to appear appropriately on devices with different screen sizes. It differs from Responsive Web Design in that it is actually multiple websites of different sizes rather than a single website which is coded to adapt to different screen sizes.
Today, Responsive Web Design is now the recommended style, and Adaptive Web Design is no longer the recommended style for creating responsive websites.

💸Performance Marketing

Ads Manager is Facebook’s tool for creating, running and analyzing social ads. It can manage your ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, or Audience Network. It offers a wide variety of features for ad targeting, budgeting, and optimization as well.

🎯Digital Marketing
💡Marketing 101

A Google platform that allows websites to earn money by publishing Google network ads on their website.

💸Performance Marketing
🌍What is

Advertising Policies provide information about what kinds of ad content and practices are allowed or not allowed on the site.

💸Performance Marketing
🌍What is

This is a type of performance-based marketing where a brand rewards affiliate partners for each website visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own advertising efforts. Affiliates typically receive discounts or payments based on the number of visitors or customers they bring.